Currently working on marketing for a remote controlled network display system. A sample app ( TV Game Show ) was developed to test the system. We had fun. Here's the video.. I'll be putting a better video together.
That's me in the MC position on the left. I'm controlling the game scores and displays from my cell phone.
Theoretically an infinate number of monitors can be controlled this way. I have several apps in mind.
This system is in evaluation. Contact me if you have questions or would like to be involved in the testing.
Open Source List Of Examples:
ansible, asp-net-apache, asp-net-core, avideo, b2evolution, bagisto, bookstack, bugzilla, cakephp, canvas, codeigniter, collabtive, concrete-cms, core, couchdb, django, dokuwiki, domain-controller, drupal, drupal10, drupal7, drupal8, drupal9, e107, elgg, espocrm, etherpad, ezplatform, faveo-helpdesk, fileserver, foodsoft, foswiki, gallery, gameserver, ghost, gitea, gitlab, gnusocial, icescrum, invoice-ninja, jenkins, joomla, joomla3, joomla4, kliqqi, lamp, lapp, laravel, leantime, lemp, lepp, lighttpd-php-fastcgi, limesurvey, lxc, magento, mahara, mambo, mantis, mariadb, matomo, mattermost, mayan-edms, mediaserver, mediawiki, mibew, moinmoin, mongodb, mongodb, moodle, mumble, mysql, nextcloud, nginx, nginx-php-fastcgi, nodejs, observium, odoo, omeka, opencart, openldap, openvpn, orangehrm, oscommerce, otrs, owncloud, php-fpm, phpbb, phplist, plone, postgres, postgresql, prestashop, processmaker, processwire, punbb, rails, redis, redmine, revision-control, roundup, sahana-eden, silverstripe, simplemachines, sitracker, snipe-it, suitecrm, symfony, syncthing, tkldev, tomcat, tomcat-apache, torrentserver, trac, tracks, twiki, typo3, ushahidi, vanilla, web2py, wireguard, wordpress, wordpress, xoops, yiiframework, zencart, zoneminder, zurmo...